'Noah's Ark' and 11 in Aceh Tsunami

A fishing boat speeding out of control toward dozens of villagers Lampulo, Banda Aceh. Until the 30-meter long ship is finally perched on the roof of the house belonging to villager named Basyariah - a place where they are located.

His arrival was like a miracle. Residents went up to the ship and 'hide' from the flood that inundated the Earth Veranda of Mecca.

11 years ago the tsunami rolled Aceh. All devastated, more than two hundred thousand lives were falling. But Saiful Yusri (62) and 30 villagers including the lucky ones. Ark to save them.

Tsunami Aceh 2004 (NASA)
December 26, 2004, the day the underwater earthquake of 9.1 on the Richter scale (SR) rocked the Indian Ocean off the coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia. The impact of the quake was so strong up to 1,200 kilometers from the epicenter, to reach Alaska.

A massive earthquake that triggered a deadly tsunami. Tsunami swept a number of beaches on the Indian Ocean up to a height of 30 meters. Including Aceh.
'Noah's Ark'

Sunday 11 years ago that, Saiful together with his wife and son were in the house when the quake suddenly menguncang Earth. At that time, residents rushed out of the house.

When they were created by the earthquake shock of it, suddenly black with rapid wave came and slammed neighborhoods.

"At that time all the people panicked and ran pursued by the tsunami, my wife, and my children crashing water waves up stranded at home Mom Basyariah, and we go up to the second floor," said Saiful Yusri in Banda Aceh on Saturday (26 / 12/2015).

However, the water continues to meet the second floor of the house until almost reached the roof. In desperation, a citizen tried to open the tin roof of the house. Then to 30 residents in the home up to the roof.

"At that time we were resigned, another was shaking apologize, that is in our minds end of the world," he said.
However, continued Saiful, when he had actually resigned, suddenly came for help.
A fishing boat approached them with an uncontrollable speed. Until the ship without control was finally stopped on the roof of the house.
Residents boarded the ship. That's when they find a crew that there were sound asleep.
"In our 30 people here, apparently on board one person crew were asleep. Once you know the ship had moved away from the coast to the roof of the houses, he panicked and froze," said Saiful.
Thanks to the help of the fishing vessel and its crew of thirty people safe. Now the vessel named 'Noah's Ark on the roof of the houses.
11 years later, now every day at Noah's Ark Saiful who has become one of the site's tsunami. Saiful faithfully accompany the tourists who come to the site and tells the story of the rescue ship to be perched on the roof of the houses.
"I do sincerely without expecting anything in return. This ship has helped me, and I told him so visitors get their own wisdom for life after visiting here," said Saiful. [Source news.liputan6.com]

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